Our Greener Giving Holiday Pop-Up Market in collaboration with Sustainable Merton was a big success. Held in Wimbledon Quarter this year, the event was attended by hundreds of people who enjoyed browsing the stalls, joined a Monkey Music session, or sat down at the Make and Take Tables to make their own Christmas cards. Some …
Christmas is always busy for the Wimbledon Foodbank, and they’re grateful for our help to ensure they can provide food for those most in need. You are invited to make your own ‘Reverse Advent Calendar’ by putting something into the trolley for the Foodbank for each day of Advent, as a way of helping others. …
It would be good if we could include some Christmas ‘treats’ along with our usual donations to the Foodbank – Christmas puddings and mince pies (alcohol free), chocolates, biscuits and extra treats for the children……. Please give these early in December so that they can be distributed. In the meantime, the most needed items are: …
Tomorrow, Thursday 10 October, is World Homeless Day and Faith in Action is marking the occasion, together with the generous support of our friends at Dons Local Action Group (DLAG). FiA volunteers will be in Wimbledon all day tomorrow, 10th, at the following locations: FiA volunteers will be in Wimbledon all day tomorrow, 10th, at …
The items most needed at the moment are: Custard/rice pudding Noodles/micro-rice meals Squash/long-life juice Tinned/packet soup Ketchup/table sauces (They have plenty of pasta and baked beans.)
The annual report of the Merton Winter Night Shelter is now available (CLICK HERE). Do take a few moments to read all about it.
Saturday 11 May 7am to 1pm in St Mary’s field, SW19 7BP ENTRY FROM 7am BOOKING NOT REQUIRED Cars £10 Vans £15 Visiting: ENTRANCE £1, £2 BEFORE 9AM Please contact Mike and Margaret Tulloch for further information (via the church office)
About 25 volunteers are needed to deliver Christian Aid envelopes to roads around Trinity. Just delivering – No return to collect (stickers on the envelopes give details of how to pay to Trinity online). If you can help, please get in touch with Mike and Margaret Tulloch, or via the Church Office (mailto:office@trinitywimbledon.org)