Saturday 11 May 7am to 1pm in St Mary’s field, SW19 7BP ENTRY FROM 7am BOOKING NOT REQUIRED Cars £10      Vans £15 Visiting:  ENTRANCE £1, £2 BEFORE 9AM Please contact Mike and Margaret Tulloch for further information (via the church office)

About 25 volunteers are needed to deliver Christian Aid envelopes to roads around Trinity. Just delivering – No return to collect (stickers on the envelopes give details of how to pay to Trinity online). If you can help, please get in touch with Mike and Margaret Tulloch, or via the Church Office (

We are in urgent need of men’s trousers, particularly jeans, for the homeless who use Faith in Action’s Drop in.  Our supplies are very low. We would also welcome pairs of trainers or waterproof shoes/boots. Please leave any donations, clearly labelled for Faith in Action, by the Foodbank trolley in the Mansel Road Centre.

To read the latest report from Faith in Action click here.

Huge thanks to everyone for supporting Toilet-Twinning on Sunday – for wearing blue, for donating, either in person or online, for baking and helping to run the stall and, of course, for buying cakes and being so generous with donations. Fantastic news – we reached our target of £540 to twin all our toilets!

Thanks to all who brought items for the Foodbank to our Harvest Thanksgiving Service on Sunday 24 September.  These were delivered to the Foodbank on Tuesday morning, and were very gratefully received.

Our Gift Day ‘For Others’ will be on Sunday 5 November. As many of you will be aware, each year we conduct a ballot for Gift Day nominations and we now need to decide which charities will benefit in 2023.   The 10 charities selected will comprise 4 local, 3 national and 3 international organisations. …

  To read the annual report of the MWNS please click here.