Wednesday, 24 February, from 6 pm to 7:30 pm – online Delegates Assembly to make final decisions about Citizens’ priorities for the Mayor of London (by Zoom); Wednesday, 28 April, from 6 pm to 7:30 pm – Mayoral Assembly to challenge the Mayoral candidates for London with Citizens’ priorities (by Zoom). Turnout (i.e., numbers of …

The Moderators of the General Assembly of the United Reformed Church have written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer in response to reports this week that the government is preparing to cut the international aid budget. Read the full article here. At URC’s Mission Council on 20/21 November an emergency resolution was tabled concerning the …

Trinity is now in its third year as a member of Merton Citizens (MCs).  MCs is part of London Citizens, which in turn is part of Citizens UK. Citizens UK, to quote its website ‘…organises communities to act together for power, social justice and the common good.  We are the home of community organising in the …

Dear friend of Faith in Action We thought you would like to know about the help and support we are continuing to give to local homeless and vulnerably housed people while the COVID-19 lockdown continues, and our Drop-in remains closed to service users during this difficult time. You may be aware that nearly all of …

The Trussell Trust reports that the outpouring of support food banks have seen during the current crisis has been incredible.  Your support has never been more vital as food banks report their busiest ever fortnight. That’s over 6,250 emergency food parcels provided to people in crisis each day, with close to 3,000 for children every single day during that …

From Merton Faith in Action:- Very reluctantly, we have had to close our Homeless Drop-In following government instructions about social distancing. We will re-open as soon as we can. Meanwhile, we are continuing to work with our street-sleeping service users and, if possible, to help them move into temporary hotel accommodation organised by the Greater …

There will be a special service for Commitment for Life (CforL) on Sunday 1 March. In September 2019, twenty-one members of the United Reformed Church accompanied Derek Estill, Moderator of the URC General Assembly, on a visit to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (IOPT). This educational visit was not a tour or a holiday, …

URC Southern Synod publishes “Mission & Vision”, a monthly newsheet with details of a range of events and courses at churches across the Synod.  Take a look.  There is something for everyone. Click here to see what’s on offer this month.  If you are interested in attending any of the events, contact Revd Andy Twilley as …

All our Christmas collections this year will once again be donated to Crisis the national charity for homeless people. The collections will be taken at four services: Carols by Candlelight (on 22 December) Christingle & Communion by Candlelight (on Christmas Eve) and at the Christmas Day family celebration service. For information about Crisis click here.

We’re delighted to announce that Trinity has been awarded an Eco-Church Bronze Award by the Christian environmental charity A Rocha UK. The Eco-Church scheme helps churches assess and improve their ‘green’ credentials across five areas of work:           worship & teaching           management of buildings           use of church land           community & global engagement …