A perfect afternoon for a walk in the Surrey hills, followed by refreshment at Brockham.  A Trinity group on Saturday 25 April.

There was a good turnout this evening (Tuesday 21 April) to hear the five candidates for our constituency.  Chaired by the Revd Clive Gardner of St Mark’s church, the Conservative, Green, Labour, Lib Dem and UKIP candidates introduced themselves, and spoke of their recent campaigns and their hopes for the future, and fielded questions from the audience.

When asked last year for ideas for future social events, one of the congregation’s most popular requests was for a Curry Night.  Therefore, a large table to accommodate up to 20 people has been booked at Chutneys Restaurant in Wimbledon for Saturday 9 May at 7.30pm Chutneys is at 31 Hartfield Road, on the one-way system, close …

Sunday 19 April 09:30     Choir practice 09:30     Bible with Breakfast 11:00     Morning worship 18:30     Evening worship with Holy Communion Monday 20 April 20:00     Badminton Tuesday 21 April 10:45     Coffee & Chat 19:30     General Election hustings 19:30     ‘The Baptist’ rehearsal …

On Saturday 25 April, come along for an afternoon in the Surrey countryside.  The walk is suitable for all ages. Bring your family & friends – everyone is welcome. Barry Gilbert will be leading a circular walk around Brockham.  The distance will be 4 miles, which should take us around 2 hours. Meet at 2pm on Brockham …

The churches in central Wimbledon are delighted to be hosting a hustings meeting on Tuesday 21 April – to be held at Trinity from 7.30 to 9pm. The Conservative, Green, Labour, Lib Dem and UKIP candidates for our constituency have confirmed their attendance. This is an excellent opportunity to question the candidates.  The event is …

Pilots on Safari We invite you to come and join Trinity’s Pilots for Pilots on Safari on Saturday 16 May Open to everyone Our Safari will start at the Polka Theatre in Wimbledon at 2.15pm where we will watch their production of http://www.polkatheatre.com/whats-on/operation-magic-carpet We will return to the church for refreshments and to complete the Safari ending …

The Free Church Choirs biennial festival will be held at Methodist Central Hall in Westminster, London, on 17 October 2015. The festival is open to both choirs and individual singers. The music is all contained in the festival anthem book which is now available from the Free Church Choirs website here. This year’s festival theme …

Thanks to the help of the United Reformed Church, the Christian Aid Christmas appeal was a resounding success, raising just over £3.6 million! As the UK government matched all eligible donations pound for pound, this means an additional £3 million for maternal and child health projects in Kenya, Malawi and beyond. You can find out …

Good news! Reform has launched a digital version, enabling readers to enjoy the magazine – and DIGEST – on tablets, smartphones and computers. And, as if that wasn’t exciting enough, we’re offering News Update readers the chance to subscribe to the digital edition for a reduced rate of £15 for a year. That’s adiscount of …