Monday 30 March 19:45         Holy Week reflection Tuesday 31 March 19:45         Holy Week reflection Wednesday 1 April 19:45         Passover meal at Wimbledon Congregational Church

Trinity URC three spires

A service of Holy Communion will be held at Trinity on Ash Wednesday, 18 February, at 8pm. The service will be shared with St Mark’s church, and the preacher will be the Revd Clive Gardner, vicar of St Mark’s. All are most welcome – and we hope for a good attendance of Trinity folk to welcome the …

Saturday 14 March at 6.30pm in the church Find out all about the pipe organ and how it works. Try playing it, listen to its music. Then enjoy some pizza. Everyone welcome – especially children.  Adults £5; children £3.

Reform this month What could be done to make church worship become more accessible to the breadth of intellectual and emotional ability in churches and society? In the February 2015 edition of Reform, the United Reformed Church secretary for ministries, Craig Bowman, examines this question. To promote conversation on this topic, discussion questions are available …

Pilots, the non-uniformed Christian organisation of the United Reformed Church, is inviting the whole church to its next big day out on Saturday 16 May from 10.00am – 5.00pm, to take place in a wild Safari, at West Midlands Safari and Leisure Park. The Pilots big day out is an opportunity for all Pilots, their friends, …

The Group will meet Wednesday 4 February at 2.30 p.m. and all will be welcome to join us. Our own choir member Chris Channer is going to introduce and show a short DVD of the  docudrama of a play she did in Prague,  “A Letter to Woollongong”, written by Dr Jaraslava Moserova.  This will be followed, as usual, …

Image fingers in ears at sound

“It takes years of advanced training to be able to sing!” “Only some people are “real” singers!” “I love music but I’m TONE DEAF!” Is this you?  If so, come on out to… “So you think you can’t sing?” on Tuesday 10 February at 8:00pm Come on out and enjoy an evening of music, discussion …

Our next meeting will be on Thursday 12 February when a key focus of this special meeting will be to discern Trinity’s response to the URC-wide consultation on the topic of Same Sex Marriages.  The meeting will be chaired by Dr Peter Stevenson, the Church & Society Convenor for our URC Southern Synod.  Please keep …

21st century living is hectic.  Getting the right ‘life balance’ between rest, work and play seems almost impossible. Life Balance offers an opportunity to examine our patterns of rest, work and play, and to look afresh at our values and life principles in the light of the Bible’s teaching about the Sabbath. We are running …