For the season of Advent, we’ll be sharing snippets about the life, work and mission of the United Reformed Church. We start this Advent Sunday with a video that asks ‘What is the URC?’ #adventcalendar #yoURChristmas
Keeping you informed with the latest news from around the URC Southern Synod, including a Christmas message from the Moderator.. Click HERE.
For all church members Please come to hear about and share in the life & work of Trinity. This week – Thursday 28 November at 8pm in the Mansel Road Centre
Join us on the First Sunday of Advent when our worship will be led by the Revd Dr Jacob Bali (minister) at 11:00. During the service we will light the first Advent candle, and celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Whether you attend Trinity regularly or periodically, or if this will be your first visit, …
Christmas is always busy for the Wimbledon Foodbank, and they’re grateful for our help to ensure they can provide food for those most in need. You are invited to make your own ‘Reverse Advent Calendar’ by putting something into the trolley for the Foodbank for each day of Advent, as a way of helping others. …
It would be good if we could include some Christmas ‘treats’ along with our usual donations to the Foodbank – Christmas puddings and mince pies (alcohol free), chocolates, biscuits and extra treats for the children……. Please give these early in December so that they can be distributed. In the meantime, the most needed items are: …
Join us for our Sunday worship at 11:00, led by the Revd Dr Jacob Bali (minister). Junior Church will meet as usual, and all children will be most welcome to join. They leave the church for their own activities after the second hymn. The Chinese Group will also meet for their worship in the Old …
The service on Sunday at 11:00, conducted by the Revd Dr Jacob Bali (minister) and the Revd Ernest Yu, will include the baptisms of several of our fellowship and their entry into membership of Trinity. Junior Church will meet as usual, and all children will be most welcome to join. They leave the church for …