Our service of Carols & Readings by Candlelight will be on Sunday 11 December at 6.30pm – but we need singers and instrumentalists! Please join us. If you know anyone who might be interested, please pass the message on – every additional singer makes a difference. Rehearsals will be on Friday nights 25 November, 2 and …
This dramatised production of Messiah is staged by Bristol Old Vic’s Tony Award-winning Artistic Director Tom Morris with design by Anna Orton. It features internationally-renowned soloists Catherine Wyn Rogers and Julia Doyle, The Erebus Ensemble and Europe’s most celebrated Baroque orchestra The English Concert, under the revered baton of Conductor Harry Bicket. Jamie Beddard performs the …
Since ‘lockdown’ over 3,600 singers from all over the world have been rehearsing and recording tracks for a new and unique version of Handel’s Messiah for broadcast exclusively this Sunday 31 May at 7.30 pm on www.theselfisolationchoir.com From the website… “At this time of self-isolation, our regular choir rehearsals and concerts have been postponed or …
St Paul’s Cathedral has been working to bring together a flash mob ‘Choir of the Nation’. It’s too late now to join in, but you can listen to the hymns – or turn up the volume and join in! Click here to listen to three great Palm Sunday hymns, Ride on, ride on in majesty, Glory …
Congratulations to everyone concerned – organists and organisers – for a fabulous concert last Saturday, 21 September. It was a truly wonderful evening, when more than 130 people enjoyed hearing Ian Tracey, Karol Szwech and, of course, our own Andrew Davies, play an absolutely amazing range of music and demonstrating just what our new organ …
Join us at 11:00 for a service of Music and Readings for Palm Sunday, and palm crosses will be distributed during the Service. This will be the first Service with our brand new digital organ. If you are in Wimbledon town centre at 10:00, come along to the short ecumenical service and procession with a …
Our Service of Carols & Readings by Candlelight will be held on Sunday 16 December at 6.30pm. Do join us for a favourite Christmas Service, when the choir will once again be joined by Cloud 9 brass. Following the Service, mulled wine and mince pies will be served in the Old Hall. Bring your family, neighbours …