SingFest, a new Merton choral festival, was launched to great acclaim in October 2017, with a collaboration between Wimbledon Choral Society, the Merton Music Foundation (MMF) and Wimbledon’s new professional chamber choir, Sonoro.   This year’s festival will be between 13-17 October 2018. The festival brings the community together in celebration of Merton’s rich and varied choral talent.  The principal objective …

We have a wonderful line-up of great entertainment including movie themes galore, brass group, young singers and professional magician and ventriloquist Sam Jones.  If you are thinking of inviting anyone to visit Trinity, this is the night to bring them! All on one very special night only, in aid of Trinity’s Organ Appeal. 

During the Festival we look forward to welcoming musicians who have generously offered their time and talents: Thursday 7 December 18:30     Wimbledon Choral Society Friday 8 December 18:00     Wimbledon High Junior School Saturday 9 December 13:30     Trinity band 14:30     The Occasional Singers – St Mary’s Merton (tbc) 18:00      Brass …

Our Choir and Young Singers Supersonic are joining forces to represent Trinity at the first Merton SingFest on Saturday 14 October at 3pm at St John’s church, Spencer Hill. Come and sing Disney, Horner and Rutter with us!  Adults are rehearsing at 7.15pm and children aged 6-12 at 6.45pm on Fridays 6 and 13 October at …

Following three successful years’ productions, rehearsals for the next Trinity Musical are once again about to begin. For 2017 we return to the Bible with The Son of Encouragement, written by Revd Roger Jones (who wrote ‘The Baptist’ that we performed in 2015). It tells the story of Barnabas and the early Christian church and it’ll …

  “This is all very last minute but we have grabbed the opportunity to get an incredible orchestra to come and play in the middle of Morden Park for free!  It will be very informal, family friendly and will last between 45 mins to an hour. It will be a celebration of migration. Everyone welcome. Bring …

The first introductory rehearsal for this year’s musical, “Whistle Down the Wind”, is on Friday 1 April at 7.30pm in the church. Everyone is invited.  All ages needed to be in the choir, on stage, or part of the production team. Performance dates:  17 and 18 June 2016. Come along and join the fun.  For …

We much regret that Sean Mayes, our Director of Music, left Trinity on Sunday 26 July to return to Canada at the conclusion of his studies in the UK.  Sean has made a tremendous impression on Trinity and has been a great success in the role since arriving last October. The search for a successor to …