Our Service of Carols & Readings by Candlelight will be held on Sunday 16 December at 6.30pm. Do join us for a favourite Christmas Service, when the choir will once again be joined by Cloud 9 brass. Following the Service, mulled wine and mince pies will be served in the Old Hall.  Bring your family, neighbours …

Thirty people, young and not quite so young, enjoyed today’s Messy Church on the topic of Prayer.   Amongst the activities to help us think about prayer were prayer jars to shake and say ‘thank you’. prayer wheels to turn and see what to pray for (a prayer aid);  the Lord’s Prayer in sign language; prayer stone …

SingFest, a new Merton choral festival, was launched to great acclaim in October 2017, with a collaboration between Wimbledon Choral Society, the Merton Music Foundation (MMF) and Wimbledon’s new professional chamber choir, Sonoro.   This year’s festival will be between 13-17 October 2018. The festival brings the community together in celebration of Merton’s rich and varied choral talent.  The principal objective …

Messy Church was really good fun today!  We had lots of activities and crafts to try with a Joseph theme, singing and worship time, then a great barbecue – and the weather was sunny and hot.  Thanks to Susan Collins and all those who planned and organised the activities, cooked and came along. If you missed …

Messy Church is tomorrow, 1st July, 4.30-6.30pm! The BBQ will be lit, drinks will be cooling, our courtyard is shady and we are all set to explore Joseph and his technicolour Dreamcoat! Come and join us in The Mansel Road Centre!    

Messy Church is fast becoming an important part of life at Trinity. It is currently being held 4 times a year in The Mansel Road Centre and is an alternative form of worship for all ages and for the whole community. It is interactive, fun, creative, relaxed and celebratory. You do not need to be …

We have a wonderful line-up of great entertainment including movie themes galore, brass group, young singers and professional magician and ventriloquist Sam Jones.  If you are thinking of inviting anyone to visit Trinity, this is the night to bring them! All on one very special night only, in aid of Trinity’s Organ Appeal. 

Everyone is welcome at our Easter Communion Service at 11:00 – a celebration for all ages, recalling the surprise and rejoicing of that first Easter Day.  This service will also include the ordination and induction of elders to serve our church community.

On this day Christians commemorate the passion, or suffering, and death on the cross of Jesus Christ. Our Good Friday Service of readings and reflection at Trinity begins at 10:30.  All are warmly invited to join us.