A special reflective service to remember loved ones who have died – at whatever age and in whatever circumstances – and to affirm that they are not forgotten but are still known to, loved by and cared for by God. Sunday 5 November at 6.30pm. Tea will be served in the Old Hall before the …
Our thanks to all who brought items for the Wimbledon Foodbank to our Harvest Festival last Sunday. We had a wonderful amount of produce to deliver again this year. Thank you too to the Junior Church for sharing their pictures and thoughts about inequality of our food and resource distribution with “Every plate tells a …
Noah’s Ark theme for Messy Church – so lots of animals, doves and rainbows were made!
Our Choir and Young Singers Supersonic are joining forces to represent Trinity at the first Merton SingFest on Saturday 14 October at 3pm at St John’s church, Spencer Hill. Come and sing Disney, Horner and Rutter with us! Adults are rehearsing at 7.15pm and children aged 6-12 at 6.45pm on Fridays 6 and 13 October at …
Join us on Saturday 30 September from 4.30 to 6.30pm in the Mansel Road Centre for an afternoon of fun, craft, play, worship, and a shared meal. Suitable for all ages, so please bring your friends and family along. To help with the planning and organisation of Messy Church please email the church office to book …
The moderators of the United Reformed Church General Assembly, Kevin Watson and Alan Yates, offer a prayer following the Grenfell Tower fire disaster. We pray for all who have suffered because of the dreadful Grenfell Tower fire. We pray that those who have died and been taken from us are remembered and treasured. We pray …
The Revd Dr Peter Stevenson, minister of Crossway URC, London, reflects on Saturday night’s terror attack in the capital, and offers a prayer for us all. Crossway URC is a mile from London Bridge and the Borough Market area where the most recent act of terror took place on Saturday night. The church was ready …
Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement, which invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension and Pentecost. What started out as an invitation from the Archbishops’ of Canterbury and York in 2016 to the Church of England has grown into an international and ecumenical call to prayer. We have decided to hold …
Following three successful years’ productions, rehearsals for the next Trinity Musical are once again about to begin. For 2017 we return to the Bible with The Son of Encouragement, written by Revd Roger Jones (who wrote ‘The Baptist’ that we performed in 2015). It tells the story of Barnabas and the early Christian church and it’ll …