18 September 2015 Dear Friends I am writing to let you know about the Rededication Service to be held at Trinity on Sunday 4 October at 11am, and to encourage you to attend. In becoming members at Trinity, each of us has promised to share in the life of this church, and to be faithful in our …

This year, the United Reformed Church prayer handbook – the denomination’s perennially popular collection of prayers and meditations, commissioned from prayer writers across the URC – is changing. The team responsible for producing the resource is keen to widen the prayer handbook’s authorship and will be including non-commissioned prayers for the first time. So, could …

 Join us to pray for the families and communities affected by the conflict in Syria. Father of all mercies, we cry out to you for the people of Syria, who continue to suffer so much. Please pour out your love and compassion on all who are hungry, hurting and without hope. Thank you that you …

We much regret that Sean Mayes, our Director of Music, left Trinity on Sunday 26 July to return to Canada at the conclusion of his studies in the UK.  Sean has made a tremendous impression on Trinity and has been a great success in the role since arriving last October. The search for a successor to …

Trinity will host a charity concert in aid of St Raphael’s Hospice on Sunday afternoon 21 June, at 3pm. Music will include Vivaldi, Bach, Schubert and Abba, followed by afternoon tea.  Adults: £10, children: £3.  Tickets from Miriam Grant.

Our worship on Sunday morning at 11:00am will include Holy Communion. Everybody is welcome and we look forward to seeing you. The Service will also include the ordination and induction to the eldership of Katrina Clifford, and the induction of two already serving elders, Dodie Khurshid and Su Lambert, for a further 3-year period on the Elders’ …

  Hot cross buns after the Service on Good Friday

Alleluia! Christ is Risen! A  joyful celebration of Christ’s glorious resurrection on Easter Day. Come and join us at 11:00 for an all-age Service. Our Communion is an ‘open table’ and Christians of all traditions, or none, are welcome. Our main morning service will be a celebration for everyone For young children, activity tables will be available …

Our Maundy Thursday Communion Service is at 7.45pm.  All welcome. What is Maundy Thursday? Maundy Thursday is the Thursday of Holy Week, one day before Good Friday (the Friday before Easter). Maundy Thursday is the name given to the day on which Jesus celebrated the Passover with His disciples, known as the Last Supper. Two important events …