Join us for our Sunday service at 11:00 when the Revd Jacob Bali (Minister) will lead us in worship. Bible readings will be Samuel’s calling (OT) and Jesus appearing to seven disciples as they fished (NT). Coffee will be available in the Old Hall immediately following the service. All welcome.

Join us for our Sunday service at 11:00 when Mr Sam Elliot (Joint Church Secretary) will lead our worship. The Bible reading will be John 20: 19-31. Coffee will be served in the Old Hall immediately following the service. We look forward to seeing you.

On Good Friday we remember Jesus’ passion, or suffering, and death on the cross.  Our service begins at 10:30.  All are warmly invited to join us. After the Service, hot cross buns and coffee will be served on the church forecourt (weather permitting).

You’re invited!  Join us on Easter Day to celebrate Christ’s glorious Resurrection. The service with Holy Communion will be led by the Revd Jacob Bali (the Minister) at 11:00. Blossoming or Flowering of the Cross is an ancient ceremony practiced at the arrival of Easter, in which worshippers place flowers on a bare wooden cross, in …

Palm Sunday

Next Sunday will be Palm Sunday. At 10:00 there will be a very short ecumenical service (with a donkey) for everyone by Tesco’s in Wimbledon.  Do come and meet others from Wimbledon churches. At 11:00 join us at Trinity when the service will be led by the Revd Jacob Bali (the Minister). Our Chinese Group …

In Holy Week, we invite you to join us on a journey that follows the events of Jesus’ last days, after his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Jesus “Walking the Way” to the cross – reflective services for Monday to Thursday of Holy Week will begin at 7.30pm. The Maundy Thursday service with …

Join us at 11:00 for our Service on Passion Sunday when the Revd Jacob Bali (the Minister) will lead us in worship. The service will be followed by a brief Church Meeting when the focus will be the 2024 Election to the  Elders’ Council.  Please make every effort to attend to vote, showing your support …

Our worship on Sunday was for all-ages to mark Mothering Sunday.   On this bright Spring flower Junior Church reminded us of what our mothers mean to us every day, and the leaves on the tree represented how God cares for us in the same ways ……  

Join us for our Sunday service at 11:00 when the Revd Jacob Bali (the Minister) will lead our worship with Holy Communion on the 3rd Sunday in Lent. As is our custom, we will be appealing for support for Commitment for Life during Lent.  Envelopes will be available at church on Sunday, and throughout Lent. …

Join us for our Sunday service at 11:00 when the Revd Jacob Bali (the Minister) will lead our worship on the 2nd Sunday in Lent. The readings this week call us to trust in God’s faithfulness. In Genesis, God affirms his faithfulness to Abraham and Sarah. In our Gospel reading, we are reminded that God …