Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community Local: Pray for all those who have had a lonely Christmas and who are fearful of ongoing isolation in the New Year. National: Pray for those needing to establish new systems and ways of working to …
Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for all those who are running our local Covid support services, to do what can be done to look after vulnerable people who need help. National: Pray for those in prisons and special hospitals, …
Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community Local: Pray for all those who are maintaining emergency and other essential services over Christmas and New Year. National: Pray for those who will not be meeting family for Christmas this year, either because present circumstances …
Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for all those people and organisations who sponsored trees at last year’s Christmas Tree Festival and for those who took part in the activities associated with it. Pray for London’s Air Ambulance, which has …
Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for our worship leaders and all those who manage the technology to support them, in these constantly changing circumstances. Pray for those planning and preparing for our Christmas services. National: As we come toward …
Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community Local: Pray for our emergency services, always ready at any time of day or night. National: This is National Grief Awareness Week. Pray for all those who have lost loved ones over the last year. Pray …
Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for the Conservators, Council staff and others who manage and maintain our local Commons and parklands. National: Pray for all those whose medical treatment has been cancelled or delayed because of the pressures of …
Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for all our congregation at Trinity, as we reach out to one another for mutual support and sharing, during this time when it is not possible to meet at the church. National: Pray for …
Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for the local businesses which would normally find this the busiest time of the year and which face the prospect of losing much of their pre-Christmas sales. National: Pray for those who would have …
Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for our worship leaders at Trinity, as they prepare both worship content and technology to provide services both at the church and also for those who worship at home. National: Pray for local councils …