Tomorrow’s Mothering Sunday service will feature Kiera Probert reading the Bible passages and Deon and Dena-Jo Nunoo leading the prayers of concern. Please join in on Zoom if you can. The resources for tomorrow’s Junior Church are available here: Story Activity sheet Mobius strip YP sheet

Tomorrow’s Junior Church materials focus on Jesus overturning the tables in the Temple and a consideration of what ‘church’ is. You could play a coin toss game – with heads, ask the children to suggest something that we need to be church, while with tails, invite the children to suggest something that is not needed for …

Here are this week’s materials from Sarah Elliot for Junior Church – the theme is discipleship. The heart template works as follows: ask your child to write an open-hearted message to a family member/friend e.g. ‘Thank you that I can tell you anything’. They then cut out the heart and fold along the dotted lines …

The theme of tomorrow’s session is being ready to face the wilderness of today’s world as Jesus went into the wilderness and was tempted. There’s a nice activity involving play dough – the children make models of things they would need to survive in the desert. Discuss and ask what would you need that cannot …

Here are the activities for tomorrow’s Junior Church on the theme of transfiguration. You might also like to make iced biscuits to show the scene: green icing spread over the biscuit to represent the mountain, three coloured sweets to represent Peter, James and John, two more for Moses and Elijah and a white mint for …

Here are the resources for tomorrow’s Junior Church – the arrows are for writing ‘priorities for the week’ on – adults can do this too!  Story Activiity sheet Arrows YP sheet

Here are the resources for tomorrow’s Junior Church on the theme of Jesus casting out spirits in Capernaum. The code activity on the activity sheet looks good as does the quiz on ‘what came first’. I hope you enjoy doing the activities. Story Activity sheet YP page What came first?

This event is an opportunity for young people to gather and get to know others from across both Synods and will include discussions, games and worship.  It is open to all young people aged 13-25 from Southern & Thames North Synod. All young people are encouraged to sign up via Eventbrite link –

This Sunday’s Junior Church is looking at Jesus calling Simon, Andrew, James and John to go with him – here is the story, a colouring sheet, the activity sheet, and the Young People’s sheet. Sarah will be on the Zoom service on Sunday at 10:55 talking you through the different activities. She looks forward to …

This Sunday’s Junior Church is focused on Jesus calling Philip and Nathanael – here is the story, a colouring sheet, the activity sheet, a finger labyrinth (this is coloured in and you trace with your finger a slow path to the centre and then out again, while thinking of people/situations to pray for), and the …