Here are the materials for this week’s Junior Church, on the theme of John the Baptist. You can find here the story, the Young People page, the activity sheet, a colouring sheet and a photo of an experiment you can do with skittles (the transforming power of water is like the transforming power of God’s love). …
Here are this week’s materials for Junior Church, including the story, activity sheet and young people’s page. Please do send your photos to Sarah so she can share them next week. Story Activity sheet Young People’s page
If you missed this morning’s Junior Church Nativity play you missed a real treat! Very many congratulations to all those who took part, and to Sarah and Sam for producing such a wonderful video. It represented many hours of work, but it was just brilliant! Also at the Service, Tom Hackett (Southern Synod’s Children’s and Youth …
Our worship for this week is led by Trinity’s Junior Church, showcasing their Nativity play ‘God is with us – everywhere’, by Fay Rowland. A cast of sixteen young people and parents have been recording their parts separately in lockdown, stitching them all together into a single film. The link to the video has been …
The Nativity service on Sunday morning will be led by Claire Wood. It will consist primarily of the screening of Junior Church’s Nativity video with some additional music. The play is called, ‘God is with us – everywhere’, by Fay Rowland. It’s been written for live or virtual performances and features, as well as the traditional …
Sarah Elliot says: ‘Here are the resources for tomorrow’s Junior Church at home. The theme is ‘waiting in the dark’. There’s a nice activity to blindfold a child/young person and give them a collection of various coins. They have to pick out the 10ps from the selection. Then discuss how activities like this are harder ‘in …
We’ve headed back to the gospels this week after a few months on Paul’s letters. The Roots sheet is good – there’s a nice activity for discussion as a family as well as a good crossword! Colouring sheet Roots sheet Story, Discussion, Very young children, Young People