Today sees the start of Christian Aid Week, when thousands of volunteers will be raising money to fund the work of Christian Aid.
If you would like to help turn hunger into hope you can click on the link here to donate online via Trinity or use the QR code there.
It’s amazing what we can achieve when we stand together. By donating today, you will make a stand with grandmothers like Janet, from Zimbabwe, and turn hunger into hope. Your kind gift will fill families like hers with hope, and may also be used to help others in the greatest need too. For the first time in a generation, global hunger and poverty are rising. Covid-19, conflict, and the climate crisis are pushing more of our global neighbours into a struggle for survival.
With you by their side, women like Janet will be empowered to provide food – and hope – for their families. That’s why, at this crucial time, your generosity and the hope this brings are lifesaving.
The Car Boot sale held on 7 May in St Mary’s field raised over £1,400 for Christian Aid. Congratulations to all who were involved in this start to Christian Aid Week.