Christian Resources Exhibition – this week


Christian Resources Exhibitions (CRE) is one of the most ecumenical events in the Christian calendar. There is no other exhibition in Europe that features so many organisations from such a broad church.  Nowhere else can church leaders experience such a broad range of resources under one roof.

  • 100+ practical and resourcing seminars, arts theatre and a massive shop featuring books, CDs, DVDs and other resources.
  • 300+ stands featuring everything to equip and inspire your church from furniture to films, pulpits to puppets, ways to worship and what to wear.

In addition, CRE provides inspiration, teaching and encouragement through a programme of seminars and arts performances.

CRE International is now held at ExCeL, London with around 8,000 visitors and over 300 exhibitors in 2015.  For  further information click here.