The National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast is an annual recognition of the contribution that Christianity makes to the national life of the UK. This year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Prayer Breakfast took place online and was live streamed on Tuesday 30 June. The event was chaired by Marsha de Cordova MP and the main speaker was the Bishop of Kensington, the Rt Revd Dr Graham Tomlin, who addressed the theme of ‘Hope and peace in a time of fear and suffering.’
British leaders including Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Opposition Leader Keir Starmer praised churches in the United Kingdom for all they have done for the country during the coronavirus pandemic.
You can watch the full 2020 livestream event below – it includes the address by the Bishop of Kensington, together with prayers, the Lord’s Prayer and ‘Amazing Grace’, given by Parliamentarians.
Scroll down to listen separately to the Address or Amazing Grace.