Christmas Blessings
Dear <<First Name>>
The last few years have been difficult with seasonal Covid restrictions; this year is hard with the soaring energy prices, war abroad, and political instability at home. Prices rise faster than wages, pensions, and benefits; many feel the need to strike to try and get better terms and conditions and, it seems, the NHS needs rather more than a weekly round of applause.
We live in gloomy times, yet as Christians we rejoice that God is with us. In Jesus, God became one with us, sharing our life – with all its pain and joy, its tragedy and glory. In these days we give thanks for all that is good in our lives – our friends, family, church communities and, above all, the loving kindness of our God who visits us like the dawn from on high.
I hope that you have a happy and holy Christmas and that the new year brings us all better times.
with every good wish
The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Minister for Digital Worship