Thames Water are continuing their work in Mansel Road to replace water pipes.
Please note that this week vehicle access to Mansel Road is FROM WIMBLEDON HILL ROAD ONLY, and NOT from Raymond Road. (EXIT is from Raymond Road)
If you are approaching from South Wimbledon, turn left as usual into Mansel Road at the foot of Wimbledon Hill.
If you are approaching from Wimbledon Hill you cannot turn right – so you will either have to follow the one way system around Wimbledon, or turn left into Alwyne Road and exit via Compton Road to turn right toward the Hill and then turn left into Mansel Road!
There is also no parking on Mansel Road itself.
Please think about your journey to church this weekend, consider using public transport, and certainly allow more time to find parking if you do drive.
We look forward to seeing you!