Creation Time Resources

Creation Tide Resources

Dear Friends,

there are a number of resources for Creationtide which many churches observe in September and the first week of October.

The Rev’d David Coleman, a URC minister working for EcoCongregations Scotland offers the following resources to be freely used:

These are offered as a complement to, or in place of, a challenging sermon with environmental awareness, filmed in very varied locations: Here are, so far four (the fifth will emerge next week)  text and video reflections on the Lectionary  readings for Creation Time (September through  to 1st Sunday of October ).

All are free to use, download and edit as appropriate. 

Week 1: The Earth, including us

text download 

Week 2: Creation speaks God’s language
text download 

Week 3: The Tree and their fruit
text download 

Week 4: The Obstacle Course
text download

The Joint Public Issues team have had a variety of resources prepared and some are still to be uploaded.  You can see them here

I hope you find them useful

best wishes


The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Co-ordinator, Daily Devotions from the URC

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