Emmaus: The Way of Faith

EmmausRevd Dominic Grant and Sarah Elliot will be leadingThe Emmaus Course: The Way of Faith, an 8 session programme that aims to help you on your own journey of faith by exploring many of the big questions that Christianity raises. It will take place on Thursdays from 8:00 to 9:30pm in the Mansel Road Centre, beginning on Thursday 1 October.

It is aimed primarily at those who are new to the Christian faith; however, depending on numbers, it may also be suitable as a refresher course.

Sessions will include: believing in God, the life and ministry of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, learning to pray, reading the Bible, belonging to the Church, serving the Lord, learning to love, and sharing the faith.

For the full programme, further details and/or to sign up for a place, please e-mail Sarah on sarahelliot278@gmail.com, or sign up on the sheet in the Mansel Road Centre.

Last years course participants said:

“I was very grateful that the Emmaus course acted as a helpful ‘refresher course’. We were asked: why believe in God? Why be part of a church community? And how would you explain these to a non-believer? We shared our own experiences and faith-journey in life. We discussed how we would go about creating a house church from scratch, with a limited budget. We explored the life of Jesus in the gospels. And we concluded with a look at the Beatitudes, what we understand from them and what we don’t!”

“For someone who has been to Church her whole life, the Emmaus was more than just a refresher course. It offered teaching but was also very thought provoking, supportive and gave the opportunity to get to know people better than you can when you just say ‘hello’ on a Sunday morning. I would highly recommend it.”

“Well into my 80’s, this course has been a refresher for beliefs learned from my very earliest days in Sunday School then church. Plus importantly, how to expand and practically share my beliefs with others.  I valued also the openness and confidentiality we were able to have.”