In 2024 our Gift Day raised £10,725 (including Gift Aid) and the funds raised will again be allocated in accordance with the vote taken recently by Trinity members and friends from a list of charities. The following charities have been chosen and will receive £500 each:-
Local Charities
Merton Winter Night Shelter
St Raphael’s Hospice
South West London Samaritans
Wimbledon Foodbank
National Charities
Alzheimer’s Research
Cancer Research UK
International Charities
British Red Cross
Médecins sans Frontières
Medical Aid for Palestinians
Following provision of £2,000 for Disaster Relief, the remaining funds will be split 2/3rds to Faith-In-Action and 1/3rd to Water Aid.
Please click on the red donate button to give securely online. (Donations are processed by The Charities Aid Foundation)