Yesterday (Sunday 25 June) Church Meeting agreed to call the Revd Jacob Bali to be the next minister of Trinity URC Wimbledon.
Jacob is currently working with churches across south east London, as well as completing a doctorate in pastoral care. He is a former member of the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment of the British Army, trained for the ministry at Westminster College, Cambridge, and has served as Associate Minister of Crossway URC in Southwark.
Jacob spent the weekend meeting the congregation over tea, sandwiches and lots of cake; being grilled in a question and answer session about his preaching, leadership style and favourite football team; and leading worship on both Saturday and Sunday. It was also a pleasure to meet his wife Esther and their baby son Iwan.
(Photo taken at 100th Day Celebration for Iwan)
The Church Meeting, constituted in prayer and guided by the Holy Spirit, voted overwhelmingly to invite Jacob to be our new minister. Shortly after, our Interim Moderator, the Revd Dr Andrew Prasad, contacted Jacob to inform him of the church’s call, which was enthusiastically accepted. We have also immediately informed the Southern Synod, who will need to indicate formally their concurrence with the appointment.
We should like to thank our Interim Moderators, the Revds Andrew Prasad and SPI Lewis, for their advice and assistance during the vacancy; the members of the Vacancy Team for producing the Pastorate Profile and assessing candidates; the Team’s leader, Sandy McLeish, for his leadership of the whole process; and to all church members for their participation and support.
Trinity looks ahead now to an exciting new chapter in its ministry and mission in Wimbledon. It is expected that Jacob will be inducted to serve at Trinity in October. Please look out for more details soon
Sam Elliot and Catherine Paul
Joint Church Secretaries