Gremlins and Apologies


Dear Friends,

Just a note to thank you all for your patience over the last couple of weeks and to apologise for the technical problems we have been having.  For reasons far too technical for me to understand the bit of the website where we store the Devotions and the Podcasts became inaccessible.  This meant that those of you who listen to the Podcasts were unable to hear them as the various providers look to the, then defunct, website to get them.  It also meant that local churches who kindly put each devotion on their own website were unable to do so. 

I am pleased to say that normal service has been resumed and that if you wish to catch up on, some at least, of October’s podcasts they are available via   The website has also been inaccessible to Walt Johnson, who kindly loads up the Podcasts for us, so there may be a few gaps until he’s able to get them loaded up.

In a totally separate mess we were late sending out Michael Hopkins’ excellent service for Reformation Day yesterday and what we did send out linked to the wrong recording.  I have already apologised to Michael and extend my apologies to you all.  Michael’s service can be heard here and is well worth a listen at any time of the week.

We hope that we have now exorcised the various gremlins which had plagued us – once again please accept my apologies for these mistakes.

with every good wish


The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Co-ordinator, Daily Devotions from the URC

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