The moderators of the United Reformed Church General Assembly, Kevin Watson and Alan Yates, offer a prayer following the Grenfell Tower fire disaster.
We pray for all who have suffered because of the dreadful Grenfell Tower fire.
We pray that those who have died and been taken from us are remembered and treasured.
We pray for healing and support for those who have survived, and for everyone affected by this tragedy.
We pray for physical healing for all those injured, especially those in hospital, the elderly, and infirm.
We pray for emotional healing, recognising the shock, trauma and grief to be lived through.
We pray for the revival of human spirit, with faith, hope and love surrounding each in peace.
We pray for justice to help us accept mistakes made and warnings ignored, for lessons to be learned.
We pray that all who suffer are granted the opportunity to cry out in their pain and be listened to.
When all is lost, all is lost, no words can ease the pain. But we are carried through that pain by those who come around us, helping us back onto our feet, walking with us, listening to us, or just being there with us. We see the presence of God’s love through them.
And so we give thanks and pray for all those who have offered healing, support and comfort:
For the emergency, medical and social services, working sacrificially and with courage;
For those in authority, responsible for taking a lead in facing the challenges this fire has revealed;
For local residents, churches and charities, for the community itself, expressing such tangible love.
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