& Resources for Advent
Dear <<First Name>>
I hope you have found the last week’s Devotions on Heaven interesting. It’s not a subject we talk much about in contemporary Christianity – despite the words of the Our Father which we say most weeks in worship. It was good to have Paul Nimmo as a guest contributor from the Church of Scotland.
Turning from Heaven we now face Hell which is not a popular theme in much of the contemporary Church. Yet, just as Heaven is part of what the Church has taught since its earliest days so is Hell. Famously Ignatius Loyala’s Spiritual Exercises have a week of profound reflections on Hell. Whilst talk about Hell may have fallen out of fashion, this week 6 URC folk ponder Hell. Sam Goodman reflects on the Hell we make for ourselves drawing in some of his own personal history, Kirsty Ann Mabbott focuses on Hell being an absence of God, I muse on the discomfort liberals have with Jesus’ talk of Hell (and the discomfort of conservatives when Jesus’ words imply that one is sent to Heaven or Hell because of how one acts rather than what one believes!). ‘frin Lewis Smith shows the ancient idea of the harrowing of Hell has some life left in it, Angela Rigby muses on the Lake of Fire in Revelation as a place of purification and Tim Searle muses on darkness, teeth gnashing, and alienation from God. I hope these reflections on Hell stimulate your thinking.
Next Sunday we start Advent and I thought I’d mention the Advent resources the URC has for those of you who prepare and lead worship.
I hope that the array of resources available, and the reflections on Hell this week, strengthen our discipleship and common life.
With every good wish
The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Minister for Digital Worship