Each session consists of an audio talk (about 15 minutes) with supporting material for reflection and prayer. There are four sessions, beginning on 29 November:
Week 1 – Waiting with Creation
Explores how Christian hope teaches us to take responsibility while waiting for completion from the Lord. In this balance we discover authentic freedom.
Week 2 – Watching with the Prophets
The way God visits us never corresponds to our expectations. This session reminds us of the need to be watchful: not apprehensive, but eager and attentive to the signs through which God reveals his presence among us.
Week 3 – Rejoicing with the Lord
Looking at how our constant quest for excitement might lead us to miss the joy of our covenant with the Lord. Whereas excitement fades, joy lasts.
Week 4 – Consoling with the Prince of Peace
“Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, says the Lord”. Explores how the only way of welcoming this consolation is sharing it with others, through care, patience, listening and forgiving, thus building the only peace that lasts.
The resource comes from St Augustine’s College of Theology, an Anglican institution with a strong ecumenical commitment. Material is downloaded from their website. – click on the link here. It is free of charge, but registration is needed to take part.
The material will be released on Sundays, from 29 November, but is available on the website indefinitely afterwards; so you can access it whenever is most convenient for you.
On behalf of the Worship & Faith Development Team, Mark Dennis at markdennis@outlook.com will happily try to help with any queries.
If enough Trinity members and friends are interested, we will arrange Zoom meetings for reflection and sharing together – what better time to consider the importance of Advent and the Good News which is the true meaning of Christmas?