Make 2022 the year you subscribe to ‘Reform’

The December/January edition of Reform is a 48-page bumper issue.

It’s full to bursting – reports from COP26, childhood Christmas reminiscing, Assembly Executive, Philip Yancey’s extraordinary memoir, Sanctuary Cafe, Christmas giving guide, therapy in Palestine, slavery in your local church community, and fond memories of Reform‘s 1980s editor, Norman Hart. And, of course, more.

Reform will keep you going through Christmas, and be back in the new year for more news, comment, inspiration and debate.

Just so you know, iPad or iPhone users can read the latest issue as well as the archive via the Reform magazine app. Find this by searching the App Store for Reform magazine or by clicking here.

Android users can read the latest issue as well as the archive via the Exactly app. Find this by searching the Google Play Store for Exactly or by clicking here.

If you’d like to receive the magazine regularly, find a range of subscription offers to Reform here.