Merton Citizens Election Assembly – 21 April

After carrying out extensive listening to the opinions of many local residents and selecting its priorities at an assembly in which a group of Trinity members participated, Merton Citizens are hosting a pre-election Assembly.

The assembly is an opportunity for local Merton party political leaders and the member organisations of Merton Citizens to come together and consider the selected priority issues, which concern housing, welcoming migrants and refugees, mental health, and the living wage. Members of Merton Citizens will present the issues that emerged from the listening. Local party leaders will then have the opportunity to respond and commit themselves to action. The Leader of Merton Council, Cllr Mark Allison, and other major party representatives will be present.

This is a valuable opportunity for the member institutions of Merton Citizens to show their power, but that depends on achieving a large turnout from all those institutions. Please do come along if you can.

The Election Assembly will take place at Mitcham Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul, Church Road, Mitcham, CR4 3BP, on Thursday 21 April from 7:00 to 9:00 pm (doors open at 6.30 pm). There is parking in Hallowfield Way, off the roundabout opposite the church, and the 200 bus from Wimbledon stops close by. The Church is also a short walk from the Belgrave Walk stop for trams from Wimbledon to Croydon.

It would be helpful if you would tell Mike Tulloch (Tel: 07887 734822; email: or Robin Goodchild (07714 095007; email: if you plan to attend. Please contact them if you would like more information.