Merton Citizens & London Citizens’ campaigning work continues

  • Wednesday, 24 February, from 6 pm to 7:30 pm – online Delegates Assembly to make final decisions about Citizens’ priorities for the Mayor of London (by Zoom);
  • Wednesday, 28 April, from 6 pm to 7:30 pm – Mayoral Assembly to challenge the Mayoral candidates for London with Citizens’ priorities (by Zoom).

Turnout (i.e., numbers of people present) is essential to show the power and commitment of Citizens’ membership and maximise Citizens’ ability to engage with those holding positions of power and responsibility.

It would be good to have lots of people from Trinity at both the Delegates Assembly and the Mayoral Assembly. Please put the dates in your diary, and let either Mike Tulloch or Robin Goodchild know if you are able to attend (their contact details are in the latest Church Directory recently distributed).

Just as a reminder, Trinity is a member of Merton Citizens (MCs). MCs is part of London Citizens, which in turn is part of Citizens UK. Citizens UK, to quote its website,

“…organises communities to act together for power, social justice and the common good. We are the home of community organising in the UK. Our diverse member organisations include schools, churches, mosques, synagogues, parents’ groups, health practice, charities and trade unions. We help these members to develop leaders, so they can participate in public life and hold politicians and other decision-makers to account on the issues that matter to them.”

MCs currently comprises 19 faith, education and community institutions across the borough including some churches that we know through our joint involvement in the Merton Winter Night Shelter; the Raynes Park Community Church, who we know well, is a particularly active member.