Dear friend of Faith in Action
We thought you would like to know about the help and support we are continuing to give to local homeless and vulnerably housed people while the COVID-19 lockdown continues, and our Drop-in remains closed to service users during this difficult time.
You may be aware that nearly all of our homeless service users – including those dozen or so who were in the Merton Winter Night Shelter – have accepted hotel accommodation in various parts of London while the lockdown continues. The organisation of this operation was very effectively spearheaded by the Greater London Assembly and London Borough of Merton.
Meanwhile, Faith in Action staff have been:
Despite the temporary closure of the Drop-in, our costs have not appreciably fallen as the Trustees took the early decision to continue to pay our staff, and to pay rent to our hugely supportive landlord, the Salvation Army Wimbledon. So, we continue to value your support and the generous donations we receive.
We intend to reopen the Drop-in as soon as it is safe to do so, in line with government guidance.
With very best wishes.
Grenville Williams, Chair of Trustees
David Reeves, Communications & Fundraising Lead
Andy Fairbairn, Manager FiA Homeless Drop-in
Faith in Action Merton Homelessness Project