Water Consumption
Use vegetable water to water plants, install a water butt to water the garden
Energy usage
Turn down heating by 1 degree, turn off lights when you leave a room.
Switch to Eco Friendly Energy supplier.
Take your own lifestyle audit.
Use of the car
Walk when you can or take public transport.
Car Share scheme
Flying abroad
Research alternative ways to get abroad – drive, train….
Say no to packaging
When shopping, take your own bags and say no to any un necessary packaging
Single Use Plastic
Say no to single use plastic and take part in schemes such as Plastic Free July to experience for yourself where the problem areas are.
It causes deforestation – Farmers are clearing large areas of forestation to make space for cattle. Greenhouse gases emitted from livestock (especially beef)
Don’t bin it, could someone else use. There are many ways to sell on items that you no longer need and make a bit of money:
– EBay, Vinted, Facebook Marketplace
– Alternatively, Charity Shops will always take your pre loved items for others to benefit from.
Use borrow schemes rather than buying new – Merton’s Library of Things, Clothing Swaps
Compost your food waste to reuse on the garden when planting
Re use paper as scrap and make sure that you print on both sides
Could the items be made into something new?
Plastic, cardboard, paper, glass
Can all be recycled weekly or fortnightly with your local council.
Soft plastics
Can be taken to most supermarkets and recycled
Use glass containers at home for food storage.
Boxes can be turned into craft material for children.
Material from clothes, duvets can be turned into other items.
Many places will take old mobile phones, printer cartridges, make up….. to recycle.
Stamps and batteries can be donated and recycled – we have a box here at Trinity.
Refill should also be added to the R’s scheme as so many companies exist now that refill existing bottles or containers.