We were privileged to have a visit today from one of the United Reformed Church’s two Moderators of General Assembly, Mr John Ellis.
John’s sermon, entitled “Disciples who buy“, was a thought-provoking challenge and message to the Church and to all Christians to stand up for their beliefs and principles in the business world, and also as individuals. Using readings from Ezekiel (Ezekiel 27.1-11 and 25-36) and Corinthians (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) he drew parallels between the prophesied fate of Tyre in 6th century BC and our 21st century financial situation.
The service also included the Assembly hymn, “We are people on a journey”, and “Thine be the Glory” – to the accompaniment of the Moderator’s cymbals!
Following the Service, Mr Ellis met with members of the congregation over coffee, and he later joined Team Leaders for lunch.
Footnote: John Ellis and Revd David Grosch-Miller, moderators of the General Assembly of the United Reformed Church, write in a blog and reflect on the things they do, places they visit, people they meet, and moments/events in the life of the United Reformed Church and beyond during their time in office. (see http://assemblymoderators.urc.org.uk/)