Nativity service – 12 December

On the third Sunday of Advent, 12 December at 11:00, the service will be led by Claire Wood and the children of the Junior Church. It will include their nativity play, with all the well-known characters, for us all to enjoy.

Also on Sunday a selection of Christmas crib scenes belonging to the congregation will be on view.

Don’t forget to bring your gifts for Faith in Action on Sunday too (see separate post). New hats, gloves, scarves, warm socks, toiletries, chocolate and biscuits will be welcomed

Advent or ‘Coming’ is the period of four Sundays and weeks before Christmas. This is the coming of Jesus into the world.  We use the four Sundays and weeks of Advent to prepare and remember the real meaning of Christmas.

All those attending are asked to wear face masks at all times, including singing hymns, unless they are medically exempt.  Please continue to keep a safe distance from other people.  Thank you for helping to protect others.  We look forward to seeing you.