Trinity has donated £250 to the Nepal Earthquake Appeal via the Disasters Emergency Committee from Gift Day 2014 monies reserved for emergencies.



11lastsupper_sOur worship on Sunday morning at 11:00am will include Holy Communion.

Everybody is welcome and we look forward to seeing you.

The Service will also include the ordination and induction to the eldership of Katrina Clifford, and the induction of two already serving elders, Dodie Khurshid and Su Lambert, for a further 3-year period on the Elders’ Council.

Been coming to Trinity for a while, and now feeling that it’s time to formalise a church commitment?  Or perhaps you’ve moved from another area and your ‘home church’ is too far away now?

It could be that church membership at Trinity URC is right for you.

A service for reception of new members is now being planned, so please contact Dominic if you’d like to explore this.


The Alban Pilgrimage is the biggest event on the Cathedral calendar of St Albans, when the martyrdom of Saint Alban is remembered and his importance to the Christian history in the city of St Albans.

On Saturday 20 June 2015 two significant church leaders will be welcomed at the Alban Pilgrimage: the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby, will attend and preach at the Eucharist, and the Archbishop of Rouen, Mgr Jean-Charles Descubes, will preach at Evensong.

Full details at
If you would like to join a party going from Wimbledon to St Albans for the Pilgrimage, contact Alban Thurston as soon as possible (by the end of April).

Sunday 26 April
09:30    Choir practice
09:30    Bible with Breakfast
11:00    Morning worship

Monday 27 April
20:00    Badminton

Tuesday 28 April
10:45    Coffee & Chat

Wednesday 29 April
20:00    Joint Elders’ Council & Finance Team

Thursday 30 April

Friday 1 May
10:00    Trinity Toddlers
12:30    Pray & Fast for the Climate
19:30    ‘The Baptist’ rehearsal

Saturday 2 May
16:00    Pilots

Sunday 3 May
09:15    Bible with Breakfast
10:30    Elders’ meeting
11:00    Morning with Holy Communion.  Ordination & induction of elders.

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A perfect afternoon for a walk in the Surrey hills, followed by refreshment at Brockham.  A Trinity group on Saturday 25 April.

There was a good turnout this evening (Tuesday 21 April) to hear the five candidates for our constituency.  Chaired by the Revd Clive Gardner of St Mark’s church, the Conservative, Green, Labour, Lib Dem and UKIP candidates introduced themselves, and spoke of their recent campaigns and their hopes for the future, and fielded questions from the audience.

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rempah@When asked last year for ideas for future social events, one of the congregation’s most popular requests was for a Curry Night.  Therefore, a large table to accommodate up to 20 people has been booked at Chutneys Restaurant in Wimbledon for Saturday 9 May at 7.30pm

Chutneys is at 31 Hartfield Road, on the one-way system, close to Wimbledon station and bus routes, and near to a public car park. It is reasonably priced and has recent good reviews.  For more information about the restaurant, see their website at

Since our party must be restricted in number, you are encouraged to respond very soon to reserve one or more places by emailing Dodie Khurshid or Sandy McLeish, from whom further information is availalble..  First come, first served!

Sunday 19 April
09:30     Choir practice
09:30     Bible with Breakfast
11:00     Morning worship
18:30     Evening worship with Holy Communion

Monday 20 April
20:00     Badminton

Tuesday 21 April
10:45     Coffee & Chat
19:30     General Election hustings
19:30     ‘The Baptist’ rehearsal

Wednesday 22 April

Thursday 23 April

Friday 24 April
10:00     Trinity Toddlers
19:30     ‘The Baptist’ rehearsal
19:45     Choir practice

Saturday 25 April
14:00     Spring-time Surrey walk (meet at Brockham Green)

Sunday 26 April
09:30     Choir practice
09:30     Bible with Breakfast
11:00     Morning worship

Brockham royal oakOn Saturday 25 April, come along for an afternoon in the Surrey countryside.  The walk is suitable for all ages. Bring your family & friends – everyone is welcome.

Barry Gilbert will be leading a circular walk around Brockham.  The distance will be 4 miles, which should take us around 2 hours.

Meet at 2pm on Brockham village green – parking is available around the green.
Relax with a drink at the end of the walk in the Royal Oak.