Our Maundy Thursday Communion Service is at 7.45pm. All welcome.
What is Maundy Thursday?
Maundy Thursday is the Thursday of Holy Week, one day before Good Friday (the Friday before Easter). Maundy Thursday is the name given to the day on which Jesus celebrated the Passover with His disciples, known as the Last Supper. Two important events are the focus of Maundy Thursday.
First, Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with His disciples and thereby instituted the Lord’s Supper, also called Communion (Luke 22:19-20). At Trinity we observe a Communion service on Maundy Thursday in memory of Jesus’ Last Supper with His disciples. Second, Jesus washed the disciples’ feet as an act of humility and service, thereby setting an example that we should love and serve one another in humility (John 13:3-17). We observe a foot-washing ceremony on Maundy Thursday to commemorate Jesus’ washing the feet of the disciples.
The word Maundy is derived from the Latin word for “command.” The “Maundy” in “Maundy Thursday” refers to the command Jesus gave to the disciples at the Last Supper, that they should love and serve one another.
Our worship for Good Friday begins at 10:30. All welcome.
Following the Service coffee & hot cross buns will be available.
The Passion Richmond is a town-centre performance featuring the dramatic biblical events leading to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. It follows the tradition of Easter Passion Plays performed in many town centres in the UK and around the world since the Middle Ages. A large cast, with music and choirs will perform between 1pm and 2.30pm on Good Friday, 3 April, using the iconic setting of the Richmond Riverside, just off the town-centre shopping street. This is a free outdoor performance, directed by former BBC Head of Series Peter Cregeen. Local churches and community groups are joining together to bring this central event of the Christian faith into the heart of the Richmond community.
Sunday 29 March – Palm Sunday (British Summer time begins)
09:00 Choir practice
09:30 Bible with Breakfast
10:00 Meet outside Tesco in Wimbledon Town Centre for Palm Sunday Liturgy & procession with donkey
11:00 Morning worship
Monday 30 March
10:00 Easter Holiday Club
19:45 Holy Week reflection – Stations of Holy Week
20:15 Badminton
Tuesday 31 March
10:00 Easter Holiday Club
19:45 Holy Week reflection – Stations of Holy Week
Wednesday 1 April
10:00 Easter Holiday Club
19:45 Passover Supper at Wimbledon Congregational Church
Thursday 2 April
18:30 Choir practice
19:45 Maundy Thursday Holy Communion including washing of feet
Friday 3 April
10:30 Worship for Good Friday.
Coffee & hot cross buns will be available after the service
Sunday 5 April – Easter Sunday
06:00 Easter Dawn Service at St Marks followed by breakfast at Trinity
09:30 Choir practice
10:30 Elders’ Meeting
11:00 Morning worship with Holy Communion
Join us each evening of Holy Week at 7.45 pm as we reflect on and commemorate events in the last days of Jesus’ life on Earth.
Holy Week takes us from Palm Sunday and Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem for the Jewish festival of Passover, to Maundy Thursday, and Jesus’ death on Good Friday.
Monday 30 March – Stations of Holy Week (1)
Tuesday 31 March – Stations of Holy Week (2)
Wednesday 1 April – Passover Supper at Wimbledon Congregational Church
Thursday 2 April – Maundy Thursday Holy Communion including washing of feet
Friday 3 April at 10:30am – Worship for Good Friday
As we follow the Gospel narrative from palm-strewn celebration to the desolation of Calvary – the place where Jesus died – Trinity’s choir will be joined by instrumentalists from our own congregation and further afield, for extracts from Steven Schwartz’s Godspell and Bach’s epic B Minor Mass.
Come along and join our production of “The Baptist” – an original musical based on the life of John the Baptist as recorded in the gospels.
First rehearsal & introduction to the show – Friday 10th April at 7.30pm in the church.
Everyone is invited. All ages needed to be in choir or on stage, or part of production team.
Performance dates: 5th and 6th June.
Sunday 22 March
09:30 Bible Study with Breakfast
11:00 Morning worship followed by Church Meeting & election to Elders’ Council
Monday 23 March
20:00 Badminton
Tuesday 24 March
10:45 Coffee & Chat
20:00 Trustees meeting
20:00 Lent group (at Mansel Road Centre)
Wednesday 25 March
20:00 Finance Team
Thursday 26 March
20:00 Lent group (at 217 Queens Road)
Friday 27 March
19:45 Choir practice
Saturday 28 March
Sunday 29 March – Palm Sunday (British Summer time begins)
09:30 Bible Study with Breakfast
09:00 Choir practice
10:00 Meet outside Tesco in Wimbledon Town Centre for Palm Sunday Liturgy
& procession with donkey
11:00 Morning worship
This year it’s planned to produce a new 4th Edition of Trinity Praise, our in-house collection of hymns, songs and canticles for worship. The current edition dates from 2001, so there’s plenty of scope to refresh the repertoire! The intention is that it will continue to act as a supplement to Rejoice & Sing, the URC’s denominational hymnbook.
While tastes may differ, everyone who shares in the devotional life of our church has a stake in Trinity Praise, ensuring that it reflects and incorporates the breadth of words and music that help us all to worship.
So….please tell us about hymns or songs which you’d hope to see included (or not included!) in a new edition of Trinity Praise. These might be songs we’ve already sung from time to time with words on the Order of Service, or hymns you’ve heard elsewhere, or indeed material already included in the current edition of Trinity Praise.
Though it’s rarely possible to include every request, all your suggestions will be helpful and will be carefully considered.
As we invite feedback, we’re asking three questions in particular:
1. Suggestions of hymns/songs for inclusion in Trinity Praise?
2. Any hymns/songs to be avoided (please tell us briefly why!).
3. Are there any hymns for which Trinity uses what you consider to be the ‘wrong’ tune?
Please let us have your suggestions by Sunday 26 April by email to trinitypraise@trinitywimbledon.org or use the form available at the church. Many thanks.