No Happy Endings
Dear Friends,
I know from my inbox how Gethin’s reflections over the last week have stimulated you! One of the interesting thing about the Daily Devotions is the ability they have to provoke some deep thinking, delight and horror – often in the same email!
Over the next week I’ve some more devotions to delight and stimulate you all. The Rev’d David Coleman has written a week’s worth of relfections under the umbrella title “no happy endings.” David, a URC minister, is chaplain to Eco-congregations Scotland and his reflections are designed to help us think deeply about the adaptations we will need to make as we adjust to climate change. David strongly believes that our faith gives us the resources we need for an era where there will be few, if any, happy endings.
Happy reading!
With every good wish
The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Minister for Digital Worship