Old Grey Prayers, by Bernard Thorogood is a new collection of poetry, prayer and reflections on growing older available from the URC Shop now for just £4.
Ripeness is all
Giver of life, lover of life,
you seek life in all its fullness for all of us;
that the seeds may germinate;
the buds may blossom;
the trees grow tall;
and the children’s cries become the adult song.
Lord of life, we rejoice in all talents fulfilled,
in all loves matured, and all faith sustained.
But for ourselves, can we rest on the harvest of the years?
No more ambitions to fulfill?
May we say that our race is over?
Your grandchildren know that you have done enough –
and God knows you are tired.
The harvest of your life is safely gathered in.
Today you can sing the harvest home.