
Whoever you are, wherever you are coming from you are welcome at Trinity.
Please use the contact details given here to get in touch with us.

We look forward to seeing and hearing from you. You may be church member, a friend or visitor.
You may have recently moved into the area and are looking for a friendly church where you can worship.
Perhaps you are planning a wedding, a christening, or a funeral service for a loved one.
Or you may want to find out more about our excellent facilities for hire.
Whatever your circumstances, you are most welcome at Trinity church.

The main agenda item for our Church Meeting on Thursday is an exciting project for developing our church building.

Allan Associates Architects will give a presentation with slides, followed by an opportunity for questions and discussion.

Please come along to the Mansel Road Centre for an 8pm start to share your thoughts.

Our Harvest Thanksgiving service will be held on Sunday at 11:00 led by the Revd Jacob Bali (Minister), with participation from Junior Church, and a presentation on the work and purpose of the Wimbledon Foodbank.

We’ll be collecting donations for the Foodbank to dedicate during the service. 

Their most needed items are:
Tinned fruit
Baby items
Breakfast cereals
Long-life milk
Rice pudding/custard
Toilet rolls
Carrier bags
(Beans & pasta are not required at present)

Please bring your donations along to the service, or leave them at the collection point in the Mansel Road Centre

Following the Service there will be an opportunity for everyone to meet friends and newcomers when coffee and tea will be available in the Old Hall.

We look forward to seeing you.

As you will have seen, our church’s wood-block floor has recently been renovated, and is now back to its beautiful original 1890/91 condition.  This involved sanding and sealing the entire surface, creating a very considerable amount of dust in the process.  While much of this dust has now been removed, we are planning a thorough Autumn clean on Saturday 28 September.

As usual we will need as many helpers as possible to come and help us , so please put the date in your diary now, look out your oldest clothes, make sure your marigolds are without holes, and prepare to come and do battle with the grime and dust in every nook and cranny of the church.  Cleaning materials will be provided: it’s your elbow grease we’re after!

We will aim to start about 09.30 and finish by 13:00, but any time you can spare will be greatly appreciated – there will be plenty for everyone to do.  Needless to say there will be regular infusions of tea, coffee and home baking to keep you going.

You may find this hard to believe, but the church clean is good fun, and is a great way of sharing fellowship and getting to know folk you may not have come across before.  We look forward to seeing you!

To read the September issue of Trinity News click HERE.

The Minister’s article mentioned on page 3 is now available HERE (with permission of Reform Magazine).