Pentecost – Sunday 28 May

It’s been 50 days since we celebrated Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday and, before that, the unfolding of the Passion – the triumph of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, his betrayal to the authorities, his trial and his death on the cross.

This Sunday is Pentecost (or Whit Sunday).  The promise of a comforter, guide, advocate and companion, is fulfilled at Pentecost when the disciples receive the Holy Spirit.  They are literally inspired and brought into full relationship with God, just as we are now.

And that it reminds us yet again of a lesson that we had to learn during lockdown, that the church is not our buildings, nor is it the institution we call the Church.  We are the church, filled with the Holy Spirit and blessed with the love and peace of God.

Our worship on Sunday will be led by Katrina Clifford (Synod-accredited Lay Preacher & Trinity Elder)

The whole church family will begin by worshipping together and, following the second hymn, the Junior Church and members of the Chinese Group will leave for their own activities and worship.

After the service we serve fresh coffee in the Old Hall, offering a chance to get to know each other better and to welcome newcomers.

We look forward to welcoming you to Trinity.