Pilots on Safari


Pilots, the non-uniformed Christian organisation of the United Reformed Church, is inviting the whole church to its next big day out on Saturday 16 May from 10.00am – 5.00pm, to take place in a wild Safari, at West Midlands Safari and Leisure Park.

The Pilots big day out is an opportunity for all Pilots, their friends, families, groups and churches, from across England, Scotland and Wales, to come together and celebrate being a Pilot for the day!

Karen Morrison, head of children and youth, said: “From time to time Pilots organise big events to which the whole church is invited – this year’s Safari will be another great opportunity to be a Pilot for the day and enjoy the adventure and excitement involved in being part of a Christian community coming together to explore the world.

“Plans for the event at the West Midlands Safari Park are well under way and in addition to the safari and rides available in the theme park there will be a programme of activities taking place in the Treetop Pavilion for Pilots and Church groups to be involved with.”