Prayer for the Coptic Church in Egypt after Palm Sunday bombings

The United Reformed Church General Secretary, the Revd John Proctor, and the Moderators of General Assembly, the Revd Kevin Watson and Mr Alan Yates have contacted Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the UK, to send their sympathies and condolences on behalf of the URC to all those affected by the bombings at two Coptic churches in Egypt on Palm Sunday.

Their greetings included assurance that prayers will resound for peace in Egypt and freedom for all and they issued the following call to prayer:

‘God of peace and possibility, in the midst of strife, violence, distress and chaos we turn to you. We pray for those mourning the dead and grieving over the strife in their land(s). Bring healing to all who are suffering from violence that is creating divisions, pain, destruction and death. Turn the hearts of all towards the way of love and compassion – so that goodness, just deeds, the common good, hope, and trust may flourish. Lead all to turn their instruments of death into gifts of life – so that the cycle of violence and chaos may be broken with the way of peace, reconciliation and love. We pray in the name of the peaceful one, who taught us to pray ‘that heaven will invade earth’.

At least 44 people died in the blasts. So-called Islamic State (IS) said it was behind the attacks in Tanta and Alexandria.