Out of the 80 million Easter eggs sold in this part of the world every year, The Real Easter Egg is the only one which has an Easter story booklet in the box, is made of Fairtrade chocolate, and makes a donation to charity from its sales.
You will be able to choose from the Original (£3.99), Dark (£5.50) and the Special Edition (£9.99).
Place your orders with Cynthia Betts at the Fairtrade stall on Sunday mornings during coffee time. Easter is early this year, so act soon!
The Real Easter Egg was launched in 2010. Initially it was a real struggle as all the supermarkets turned it down. To date, more than one million eggs have been sold with 750,000 of these sent through the post directly to churches and schools.
Not only has there been an increase in Fairtrade chocolate sales, but nearly £200,000 has been donated to charity.