Our Rededication Service will be held on Sunday 2 October at 11:00.
Those who are Members of Trinity have promised to share in the life of this church, and to be faithful in commitment. By remembering God’s hand in our lives, we’re able to offer ourselves for a coming year of Christian fellowship and activity, looking forward to all that God has in store. Of course, this is a goal that can be shared just as earnestly by those who haven’t yet taken the step of Church Membership; so opportunities for rededication and renewal are valuable to all.
This year in particular our Rededication Service is a very good time to celebrate and renew our shared participation in Trinity’s work and witness, with a new Mission Statement adopted during the Summer and a fresh set of church priorities to shape ou activities and guide our growth:
Rooted in Christ; growing in faith; sharing and serving in love.
Strengthening faith – a commitment to nurture and develop the faith of Trinity folk
Service – a commitment to serve God through service to our local and global community
Witness – a commitment to be witnesses to our Christian faith outside Trinity and in the wider world
You are encouraged to come to the service next Sunday at 11:00.