Rededication Sunday – 3 October

Our annual Rededication Service, which will be held at Trinity on Sunday 3 October at 11am, will be led by the Revd Ernest Yu.  The service will include Communion.

In becoming members at Trinity, each of us has promised to share in the life of this church, and to be faithful in our commitment.  Rededication Sunday is an excellent opportunity for each of us to reflect upon and to renew that commitment, so that by strengthening our church life together we might equip each other to be better disciples in the world.

The Bible readings will be Psalm 8 and Mark 10: 2-16.

We’ll be delighted to see you – there’s no need to register ahead.  We are still being careful to observe some Covid safety precautions, but we are now able to serve coffee after the service, weather permitting.  (Click here to see more.)