Kevin Watson, Moderator of the URC’s Yorkshire Synod, reflects on the life and tragic death of Jo Cox
On Thursday afternoon, my wife and I drove through Birstall and Batley, passing hundreds of people going about their lives, totally unaware of the horrific murder of the local MP Jo Cox, just streets away. These are people of all ages, ethnic groups and faiths living together in peace, a great witness to successful multicultural community.
This is the community in which Jo Cox grew up, the community she promoted, defended, and for which she worked tirelessly.
Her vision for a just and peaceful world was lived out in her work with Oxfam, and her support for refugees and the marginalised across the world. Locals will tell of her equal commitment for all her constituents.
Jo Cox was a rare politician in that she returned from university and career to represent her home town in Parliament. Politicians of all parties have recognised her as great fighter for a better society and a better world.
Wherever those in the public eye proclaim and live out a message of love and hope they become vulnerable to attack. She has been described as ‘our future’.
As Jo Cox has been so cruelly and brutally taken from us, we can honour her life by taking up the fight and showing that ‘our future’ is a richly diverse, just and peaceful world.
We pray for Jo Cox’s family, colleagues and friends, the many in the Batley constituency and around the world.