Reverend Hazel Yu: 1948-2016

Hazel YuAs announced at our morning service yesterday, it is with great sadness – yet with the assurance also of Christ’s promise that where he is, we shall be also (John 14:3) – that we record the death last Tuesday evening of Hazel Yu following a short illness.

Hazel, the wife of Trinity’s Associate Minister Revd Ernest Yu and herself a minister of the Methodist Church, was a familiar and well-loved presence at our church over the years; often leading our Chinese group’s worship, and sharing in Chinese New Year or other social gatherings. The warmth of her friendship and hospitality, and the depth of her Christian love and service, have touched countless lives.

The funeral service for Hazel will take place on Friday 23 September:  a 12.30pm Committal at Randalls Park Crematorium (Randalls Road, Leatherhead KT22 0AG), followed by a 2pm Service of Thanksgiving at Epsom Methodist Church (Ashley Road, Epsom KT18 5AQ).  All are welcome at either or both of these services.

Our love and prayers are with Ernest, as we give thanks for Hazel’s partnership with him in ministry and in life; with their son Timothy and his wife Kan; and with grandsons Max and Jonas.

“Well done, good and faithful servant… enter now into your master’s joy” (Matthew 25:21)