Saturday 18 January 2025


St Luke 9: 46 – 48

An argument arose among them as to which one of them was the greatest. But Jesus, aware of their inner thoughts, took a little child and put it by his side, and said to them, ‘Whoever welcomes this child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me; for the least among all of you is the greatest.’


The URC Children’s and Youth Work theme for 2025 is “All Are Welcome”, so it was inevitable when I saw this reading in the Daily Devotions that I’d opt to write the reflection. I visited a church whilst on holiday some years ago and, when I casually mentioned my role in the URC, I was told “We don’t have any children and we’re not interested in having any children here”. I wonder whether that church is still open. If this reading is to be believed, we should remember that children are not only the Church of the future but are already the Church of today. And to extend Jesus’ meaning still further, to make children and those on the margins unwelcome in Jesus’ name is perhaps to make Jesus himself unwelcome. Scary thought! 

Because it’s not always easy to recognise where we are truly welcome and where people may instead be left feeling like second-class citizens in God’s kingdom. We sometimes carry on oblivious, thinking ourselves to be open but actually vying to get our own voices heard and neglecting to see those around us who are equally valued by God. It’s a challenge to stop, look around us, and see who needs that welcome, that opportunity to have their voice heard, to teach and to learn together as an equal part of God’s family. The thing is, we might have to change the way we do things. Change? Never! But yes, we might have to change – to listen more patiently, to use more approachable vocabulary and more lively songs, even to play and be creative alongside, to be intentional about being intergenerational. But how exciting to know that, in so doing, we are welcoming Jesus in our midst. 


Jesus, are you sure I’m not the greatest? 
I do the flowers, I’m on the coffee rota.
I’ve been coming here for years, even have my own pew. 
I’ve put plenty in the offertory.. 
I do my best. 
Forgive me, Lord.
My best is not good enough when I don’t welcome all;
When I put them down or undervalue them;
When I fail to seek you in each individual, no matter who they are, 
Renew me, O God, and help me change.  Amen 

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