There will be a special service for Commitment for Life (CforL) on Sunday 1 March.
In September 2019, twenty-one members of the United Reformed Church accompanied Derek Estill, Moderator of the URC General Assembly, on a visit to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (IOPT). This educational visit was not a tour or a holiday, but for those who attended, it was an immersive pilgrimage with much time immersed in the lives of people who are among the world’s most maligned, treated as strangers in their own land.
Hannah Jones, who was one of the group, (seen eleventh from the right in this photo) will be speaking about the visit and the work of Commitment for Life during our Morning Worship on 1 March. Israel and the Palestinian Territories is our partner region for CforL.
The usual Lent collection for CforL, with envelopes in the pews, will start on that Sunday and continue on the following two Sundays.